Monday, September 15, 2008

What's new in August and September

Matthew is extremely excited to have a baby brother in the house and he has been wanting to practice holding babies so he'll be ready for the big day. The other day he kept begging to hold Katie and trying to get her on his lap, but Katie being the independant little miss that she is would have non of it. Finally after Matthew came to me feeling very dejected at Katie's lack of cooperation I took pity on him and put Katie in his lap. She looks twice his size, but she thought it was hilarious and Matthew had finally gained the victory and was feeling rather pleased. I had to take like 10 pictures, but these are my favorites! I love it that they are starting to be good friends.
I couldn't decide which picture was cuter, so they both had to go.

Here is my little princess just before church. Isn't she just the darn cutest thing!

This has been a new development in our house for almost the past 2 weeks! Katie finally started walking! (she'll be 18 months on the 29th!) The funny thing is that she would only practice walking when no one was looking so when she finally decided to make her big debut she was a pro (as pro as a walking 1 year old can be anyway). Hurray for Katie!

This is where I tend to find Katie whenever she plays in the backyard these days. Outside is heaven to Katie. And she loves to drive!

Katie and Matthew have become rather good friends since Nicholas went off to brave the great unknown of school. So cute!!!

OH the joys!

As you can see it's hard to top the demolishing of the couches for my kids. I used to cringe whenever they would want to play with the couch, but I have since learned to embrace it. They have so much fun, our couches are old and will need replacing at some point anyway and it keeps them entertained for hours. I just can't say no. Who doesn't have excellent memories of playing on couch cushions when they were little?

Nicholas is a great tree climber! We went out on a picnic with my family while we were visiting my parents and the boys had a blast! Katie stayed at home with her aunt and took a nap instead.
Nicholas and cousin Trenton wearing their earplugs. They got to go shooting with the dads while I took Matthew on a walk. Manly bonding.

Matthew loaded up and ready for our picnic. He is so excited!

Here's Nickelby loaded up and ready to go on our picnic at Grandpa and Grandma Burke's house.
Here's my sweet little sick girl (still managing a smile for the camera) getting comfort from her daddy after a dose of medicine. She loves her daddy!

Poor Katie came down with a sickness of some kind. She was miserable and one of the only things to console her at night while I was getting the boys off to bed was her daddy. She laid in his arms for an hour and a half. So sweet!

For FHE awhile back the boys desperately needed haircuts, so we decided to make it "Missionary night" and did haircuts, then we sent them on pretend missions. Nicholas went to Scotland and Matthew went to Peru (both in their jammies). Aren't they the most handsome and competent missionaries you've ever seen!

This is seriously grubby Katie, just in from the hot and sweaty out of doors wearing nothing but her underpants, a jammie shirt and of course her string of pearls. (she had just woken up and we hadn't gotten to the get ready for the day part, thus the super flowing locks of hair.) Fabulous!

Enemies beware!

Bet you didn't know that Matthew could fly!

What would an upddate on our family be without a picture of the "Superheros"?


Fullerton Family said...

Yay Katie!! She did it! Your kids are so darn cute!

sara,mike,rhett,and gage said...

Your kids are such cuties. I'm not sure if you remember me,but I'm Faun and Megan's sister-in-law. We met a couple times a few years ago. I also dated Cameron Burke at the time and I knew Jon. I just wanted to say hello!

Brittanie said...

M&M, those kids of yours...seriously. They are so BEAUTIFUL!! Katie kind of reminds me of Kes. =) AND Anika has that blue shirt she's wearing in the first pic! TWINNERS! Did you get it at the monster Children's Place sale?? Well - Love you!!!

Sands...Like Sands on the Beach said...

Ok, I'm just sitting here remembering when Aiden & Nicholas were Matthews age in their toddler carseats...when did they grow up while we were not looking?

How fun to have missionary night, jump on the couches, play superheroes! We miss you guys!

Alright Katie! That is too funny, that she practiced before she walked in public...I think you have a perfectionist on your hands! :)

Amy said...

Great pics of the kids!! I seem to only post "events", not just the every day stuff. I loved your pics on this post. It was so good to actually see you guys in person. Thanks for accomodating us. I told Danny it was the best visit ever, just like old times.

Brittney said...

I seriously can not handle how cute your kids are!!! Oh my gosh I love them. Katie is beautiful and I love love love her flower in her hair! Man we so need to hang out! When are you due again? I totally forgot you were preggo. haha. Let me know when you are free to hang out!

The Richins Family said...

thank you for the update! i am in love with her curls! she is such a cute girl. how far along are you? congrats on being prego with a boy. do we get to see a pic of your belly?

Erica Hanks said...

I can't believe that Katie is almost old enough for nursery! Yay for you!!

Anonymous said...

Adorable kids and I love the Spiderman fingers! Katie is getting so big!

Sam Soter said...

Hi Mandi! Thanks for the update! I love the photos of Matthew & Katie! They make me smile whenever I see them! Can't wait for Christmas!!
ps...its Jennifer writing this...not Sam!!