Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our Camping Trip and Other Adventures

On a whim last Friday night Steve came home from work early and we decided to take the kids camping. We only went about an hour away, but we had such a fun time! Katie, we have realized, loves playing in the outdoors, but does not enjoy sleeping in the outdoors. She was up over half the night, and so was her mommy and daddy. I ended up buckeling her in her carseat in the car and letting her sleep there. Bummer was that I slept with her in the front seat. Not exactly ideal sleeping arrangements for a pregnant gal, but we survived. I think this trip will make great memories!
I am always the one behind the camera, so Steve insisted on getting a picture of the "the girls!" You can't see my belly too well, but here we are.

Katie rode on daddy's shoulders for our walk. This was her first time and other than ripping his hair out, she did great and loved it!

Here's the kids playing in the dirt, getting ready to go on a hike.

Katie was feeling rather annoyed that I was feeding her her helping of Marshmallow Matey's and was beginning to get rather vocal about it, so I plopped her on the table and let her go to town on some dry cereal. Nicholas came up to join her.

We found a totally killer deal at Bass Pro awhile back on these little kid camp chairs. Katie loved hers and it made it easier to keep track of her because she couldn't keep away from her chair for too long.

Steve let the boys pick the cereal they wanted for breakfast and what do you know! They picked Marshmallow Matey's. Gotta love it!

So, I realize that tapes are not the "in" thing anymore, but I had recently found a box of old tapes that I absolutely loved. Katie apparently absolutely loved them too and this is what she made of the whole thing. What a little angel!

Matthew thinks he's a big boy like Nicholas, but every now and again I find him like this.

Position #2. I woke Matthew up and man was he cranky! Like 5 minutes later he disappeared and this is where I found him.
The other day I went to check on Katie and this is where I found her. She had turned on the tv and was sitting at the table the toyroom watching away. You never know where you're going to find that little girl.

Even though it was like 500 degrees outside, we decided to take the kids to feed the ducks on a slow Saturday. They totally loved it. Katie would have loved it better if her mom would have relaxed enough to let her out of the stroller. I am a crazy around water, so there she stayed. She was a good sport though. We all had fun (except I melted in my pregnant state).
We tried to get Matthew to throw little pieces to the ducks, but instead he threw ginormous chunks. He hooked those ducks up bigtime, but he loved it!

Nicholas totally loved feeding the ducks with Matthew.

Katie was having such a goofy day. I watched her take Nicholas's backpack and try her darndest to put it on. This is the best she could do. She cracks me up!


Stan and Jamie said...

Your kiddos are too cute! And Katie's hair has gotten so long and thick! She is such a little beauty! The camping trip looks like fun!

Amy said...

Cute, cute! Okay, can I just say that I think you're crazy for going camping with three little kids and being prego?? I admire you for doing it, but let's be honest: let Steve take them next time and you stay comfy in a real bed!!:) It all looked really fun, though.

The Richins Family said...

okay your kids are cute. how fun that you went camping. you need to take a pic of your growing belly. where did you get your cute pink shirt with the lace at the bottom? CUTE!

Anonymous said...

You are such good parents, Katie and I have a lot in common as far as camping goes, lol. I love to be there, but let's go home and go to bed!

Brittanie said...

Someday we are all going to go camping together! It would be such fun with you guys! Your babies are all so big. I can't believe it! I can't stand how cute they are! I'm with Jenny - you need to post a preggo picture soon!! Love ya!

The Wallin's said...

You guys have so much fun! I can't believe how cute Katie is! Her hair is so dang cute. And I love the belly, you looks so good! I would love to get together with you, and the kiddos! Maybe after our babies are born. We are in the middle of trying to buy a home in the Gilbert area. Wanting to move in before the baby comes, and I'm hopefully getting induced in 3 weeks, so we shall see!

Darce said...

Cute, cute kids--and what a fun family! Yes, I'm blog-stalking--hope it's okay! Sure miss you guys!

Brittney Smith said...

Love all the pics. Its crazy your going to add a fourth soon. I am so excited for you!

Heidi Ann said...

I haven't been checked, something I totally dread! I can't believe you're already at a two!! When is your official due date? I think it's time for a pregnancy post with your cute tummy and your progress report! Do you have a name yet?

Anonymous said...

kids are looking so cute in those pictures!! Really happy on their camping trip.

Anonymous said...


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