Thursday, May 14, 2009

Funny things and other randomness...

Cute Katie and the elephant feet.
This picture doesn't do them justice, but this is what I affectionately refer to as Katie's Elephant Feet. Out comes the tom-boy again because this girl is in love with bugs. "Hi buggy!" We have lots of ants in the backyard and she loves to follow them around and just hang out with them. Unfortunately for her she is allergic to ants. She came in last night crying because her beloved buggies attacked. Thus today elephant feet. So sad, but so funny! I love that little girls quirky ways!!!

So my kids have the best daddy ever and earlier this week Steve up and decided to take Matthew camping, just the two of them. While they were gone I gave Nicholas and Katie a popcicle outside. The funny part about this picture is that Katie's popcicle broke and was all over the ground. I missed the moment, but I walked outside to Nicholas and Katie with their faces on the ground sucking up popcicle.

Katie brought me an apron the other day and wanted me to tie it on her so she could be a super hero like the boys. She is such a little tom-boy. I'm pretty sure no one is going to mistake her for a boy though.

We went up to Show Low to visit my mom for Mother's Day and while we were there the kids got to go to Uncle Josh and Aunt Amber's house. Behind their house is Amber's parents house and they have the most beautiful, fun backyard you've ever seen! They happened to be irrigating and so the kids stripped down and went on in! They had so much fun! On the side, I didn't get any pictures of me and the kids, or me and my mom and the kids, just the kids naked. Maybe next year?

This backyard is complete heaven for my kids! Everytime we visit Josh and Amber (my brother and sister-in-law) I feel like I need to live in the country where it's green and beautiful and SAFE! The kids had an absolute blast running around more than half naked.

After all the fun of running through the irrigation the kids chose up sides. The babies all went in the "baby bath". Aren't these the cutest little people!

This was the "big boy" bath. They even got the bubble bath with the jets. Awesome!

Matthew climbed to the top of their waterfall in his Captain Underpants.

My great-nephew Trenton (good grief that makes me sound old!) turned one and we were lucky enough to be in Show Low and got to attend his happy birthday! The kids were in heaven! My nieces and nephews were spoiling them and I am pretty sure Katie got at least 3 pieces of cake and I don't even want to think about how much ice cream Matthew ate. We spent the day with grandma too, which made the partying even better!

To go along with the picture below this one. These are the moments that warm my heart. See, they really have it in them to like each other. How cute that they are sharing a ring pop.

This is a moment that absolutely had to be captured because it was a moment that is completely few and far between. Anyone who knows Katie and Matthew knows that they are the best of friends, and the worst of friends (we're still working on the best of friends part).

Oh happy pudding! Normally I try to just wash the hands and face of a little grubby that has just eaten, but there was not a chance for this little thing. Into the "buddy" with her!! ( I love it, she calls her bath a buddy instead of a tubby!)
At the end of the year Nicholas's school does a Spring Sing. This is the kids standing outside, excited to go listen to Nicholas sing his cute little heart out.

Nicholas is the cute little buddy right under the teachers hand. It's great that he's the tiniest because he's always guarenteed to be front and center! He did such a great job and we were so proud of him. Katie loved it and Matthew was madder than a hornet that we didn't let him go up and sing with Nicholas.

Matthew the incredible "cheese head" Where the heck do kids come up with these ideas? They're hilarious!
Katie kept getting this particular shirt out of daddy's drawer the other day and so we let her sleep in it. It was a wee bit large, but so very snuggly.

A couple Saturday's ago we decided to make up for our lost annual Easter Egg hunt at Tonto Creak. It was so much fun. This is Matthew and Katie hangin' out in their awesome Bass Pro chairs. So cute!
This is what I affectionately refer to as the "Pee Pond". Matthew started the trend and I think that each little boy in attendance followed suit at one time or another. Don't swim in there!

Trying to roast hot dogs in a 5 bazillion degree fire. That baby was hot!!!

Nicholas the mighty (shaggy) rock hunter.

I couldn't leave out a picture of cute Katie and her cute belly in her cute swimming suit. It just wouldn't be right.

Isn't Katie so darn lucky to have such great big brothers to love her and make sure that she is 100% happy and comfortable! (She really is lucky because most of the time her brothers are the greatest, just not all the time).

Matthew forging new territory with Grandma Burke.

Happy Thomas (I'm tellin' ya, all this little boy does is smile and laugh. We love him!)

What a fine mess!

Matthew in Bernstein Bear Heaven!!! He loves these books. We are so close to having the entire collection!

How could I not include this picture? This one is for the grandma's that we miss and love!
Katie built this block tower all by her little 2-yr old self! We were mighty proud! (Laugh all you will about the dump-truck jammies. She'll get girlie ones someday, it's not like people watch her sleep!)

Thomas and Matthew are the very best of friends. Matthew loves Thomas to death and Thomas doesn't seem to mind one bit.


Erica Hanks said...

You have the cutest kids!! I love to see all the messes!! So fun!

Darce said...

I love how much you love your life! It's so fun to read your blog! Truly a great mother!!! BTW, we miss Steve--he was a great home-teacher--the best!

Amy said...

What fun things you've been up to! Your kiddos are so cute and fun-loving. I loved the one of Katie sitting in the camping chair, legs crossed, like a perfect sun-bather. I miss you too!

Kami P. said...

Mandi, I didn't mean to ignore the comment you left me a while ago. I just completely spaced it (aaaand I'm not that great at leaving comments). I'm so sorry. Yes, blog hoping is wonderful and I'm so glad it brought you my way!
So 4 kids? You go girl! We have three and I have a lot of those three-kids-is-DEFINITELY-enough days so I commend you for taking the next step. I've enjoyed looking through your're family is full of cutie-patooties and you have a daughter that is drop-dead adorable. :-) I look forward to keeping up with your family. Take care.

Brittney Smith said...

Holy cow, this is a major post!! I love the tubby pics, so cute!