Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lizzie's blessing and other fun happenings for the month of July

My beautiful baby girl was blessed this last Sunday. I can't say that it was that super special and memorable experience that I was hoping for, but I have come to realize that with 5 kids nothing is ever the way I hope or plan. I just have to go with the flow. Picture the moment Steve takes Lizzie up to bless her Thomas gets mad about something and starts throwing his bag of gold fish crackers all over the place. In the process of trying to clean up that disaster he somehow manages to escape under the pews and makes it down to the front of the chapel where my friend Carrie grabbed him and takes him out screaming! Then I am trying to keep some of my other kids quiet. By this point the blessing is just about over. Then Thomas escapes from my friend and comes zooming down the aisles crying and looking for me. I quickly scoop him up and zoom out of the chapel. That was the end of the blessing. I'm sure it was very special. The spirit was there anyway. I love my sweet little family!!!
This is my attempt at getting a picture of all five (wow, I have 5 kids) kids on Lizzie's special day. Wasn't my most successful moment, but it is still cute and funny.

This is another "failed" attempt at a great picture of my kids. Katie was having non of the picture taking scene, as you can see Thomas was given no choice, and Nicholas thought that the entire situation was hilarious! This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it.
Daddy and Lizzie. We didnt' get a shot of them on her blessing day because he was in meetings all day, but this is a sweet picture.
Grandma Burke and Lizzie. My mom got to come and stay with me for 5 whole weeks. It was so completely wonderful. She left today and I am trying to get a grip on myself as a lone mother of five. I miss you mom! Lucky for me Steve's mom will be here on Monday and I will have help and moral support for another two weeks. I am rather spoiled with my help and I love it!

Me and Lizzie on her blessing day.

My funny little Thomas. This boy is the most adorable little friend...and there is a reason. He is the biggest handful I have ever had!!! A newborn is cake compared to this little man that we love.

This picture is just cute to me. Lizzie is now 5 weeks old today.

After the Aquaman ride Nicholas and Matthew wanted to hang out over the ride where you get totally soaked. They weren't kidding when they said totally soaked either. Luckily it kept the boys cool on a HOT day. (look at the pics below. I got these pictures in the wrong order).

Because Nicholas read so much last year in school we got to spend the day at Six Flags while Grandma Burke stayed at home with the babies. It was so much fun! Thanks Grandma! We miss you!!! Daddy and the boys waiting in line for our first ride of the day.

I turned her on her tummy to see if she would wake up to eat, but instead I got this so sweet shot.

Nicholas joined the Rough Riders baseball team. He is just darn CUTE!

This boy loves hats. Captain Big Head fits into his 7 year old brothers hat just perfectly. I am sure his mass of curls helps a bit.

This picture is just cute. This is Katie after church.

Thomas is my wild child. We have come to find that we cannot leave any chairs in their correct position. I have started laying all the chairs in the kitchen on the floor so he won't climb, but I didn't think about the high chair...until this little incident. Doesn't he just look so innocent? Bless his adorably busy heart!

My kids and the Nicholas's best friend found the mud. This is one of those times when I wanted to yell, but instead had to find humor. They were filthy!!!

Nicholas turned 7 years old! We laugh to say that for one day we had 5 kids ages 6 and under! He is such the big boy! Happy Birthday Nickelby!

Matthew and his baby.


Kisha Atkin said...

Can I just say that you have the cutest family ever?? I haven't met them but they look like crazy-funny-sweet memories and just a blast. James is here next to me and every time we past a pic of Katie he said she was pretty! Welp, he's right! I had no idea he even noticed the pretty ones yet! congratulations on another gorgeous girl! I love the pic of Nicholas laughing holding Thomas and of them soaked! Don't ya just love boys!

Fullerton Family said...

I just love you and your sweet little (ok, big!) family! And that picture where Katie is missing made me laugh out loud- I can so relate!!

Beth Ann said...

Crazy Fun July!! I can't believe you guys already made it to 6 Flags@ 2 years & counting & we still haven't been there! HAHA! Can't wait to get together...SURELY the summer is about to wind down for both of us, right?? :)

The Richins Family said...

what a cute family you have. Thomas sounds very busy. i have two kids like that. So i feel your pain. Invest in some magnetic child locks, they truly work and are amazing! my other problem is with climbing...good luck with that one,i still haven't found a solution with that yet. how does it feel to have 5 kids? do you feel like you are going crazy? I am glad that you have help with your mom and mother in law, such a blessing. you look cute as always. she is beautiful and tiny.

Renae said...

We miss you!!! I am sure the Blessing was good for precious Lizzie. Looks like some good big brothers to help. Can"t wait to talk to your MOM. Good Luck with all you have to do. Love and Hugs!!!

Stan and Jamie said...

Your kiddos are seriously too adorable!!! Lizzie is just beautiful and I'm sure the blessing was wonderful...I missed hearing a couple of my kids' blessings due to loud kids...made me sad but what are you gonna do? I was talking to Kyler about starting second grade the other day and he got teary talking about how he was sad that Nicholas wasn't there anymore :(. So tell Nicholas hi from Kyler :)

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Darce said...

Wow! I can't believe you guys have 5! I haven't kept up with blogging for the last year, but it sure was fun to find you guys tonight!!! You have THE cutest family--what dolls!!! And, what a great mom you are! Reading your blog made me really miss you. I couldn't not smile the whole time! You guys are awesome!!!

Amy said...

Sweet Baby Lizzie! I just want to hold her so bad. She's darling.

I died at your FIVE kids! Those pictures are awesome and I've got to hand it to you. I'll just think of you when I think my soon-to-be 4 are too much. I know you're doing a great job. I miss you guys.

Kellianne said...

Wow Mandi! You're the greatest! Aren't those Sundays at church the best...when you just have to laugh to keep from crying? We miss you guys!

Steph said...

How old is Lizzie now? Shes sooo cute.Wow, 5 kids thats a handful. But i guess your the worlds greatest mom ever.