Wednesday, May 19, 2010

3 Months of Random cuteness...

I am not the best blogger in the world, but when I update I don't mess around. There are lots of fun pictures we have taken in the past 3 months. Enjoy!
Nicholas joined his very first soccer team this spring. He had so much fun and his team even won the entire division. Way to go buddy! We loved supporting our little man every Saturday as he busted out some sweet soccer moves.

It's Mr. Robot!

This is what Katie can do with scissors (notice the front of her brand new cute pink shirt).
Matthew on the pony ride at his school carnival.
Nicholas on the pony ride at Matthew's schools carnival.

This is our little Matthew on his happy 5-yr old birthday. Our kids 1st party is when they turn 5 so we celebrated big time by inviting five friends and partying at Chuck E. Cheese's. He was one happy boy. We love you Maffie!

Two super cool dudes.

Katie is our quirky little thing. This is the outfit that she requested to wear to bed for quite a few nights. She has about 15 friends on her bed with her and she thoroughly enjoys her glasses and her hat. This was right before we turned off the lights for the night. She keeps us laughing thats for sure.

Daddy and the kids looking at pictures of ocean creatures before bed.

Happy Easter from the Soter friends!

This is Katie on her big 3-yr old day celebrating with one of her very favorite friends. Meet Buggy the bug (she's holding him up for you to see). She actually caught an ant in my bathtub and loved him to death (when she discovered that he was no longer moving she bent down real close to him and yelled "Buggy, are you sleeping?!"), then she proceeded to watch a movie with him and talk to him for at least an hour before losing him in the carpet.

My cute little 3-yr old girl and her bug/frog cake. We love you Katie Sue!

For Easter this year we decided to spend our weekend with our fabulous friends the Wests who happen to live just 5 short hours away (sounds like a lot, but compare that with the 15 to get to the closest family it isn't much). We had such a great time. Thanks West's! This is Thomas and his Easter basket.
Happy kids with full baskets. Happy Easter!

Here's the best I could do with all the cute little friends on Easter morning after the Easter Bunny had left his glorious spoils. Happy Day!

This is Steve and I with our dearest of friends, the Wests. We had such a fun Easter and we love it that they are only 5 hours away!

Thomas's accomplishement. He is now (and has been for a month and a half) a walking boy. Hurray!

Just some cuteness for you. If you can't tell Thomas is saying "Cheese!"

For family fun day we decided to drive out to Grapevine Lakes, which is about 10 minutes from our house, just to have a look around. We told the kids they could walk in the water just a bit, but not to get their clothes wet. Ha! This little mischief maker started the trend that went downhill bigtime! I was sitting with my big pregnant girth watching Thomas play in the sand while Steve walked down a ways with the boys. Before I could get myself up off of my big girth Thomas decided to take the plunge. Heaven knows the bigger boys weren't going to let him have all the fun.

Daddy and Katie. Out of all the kids Katie kept dry the longest. She soaked her pants as we were rounding up the kids to go. It was bound to happen.

The boys were just going to wade up to their knees. Hmm.

The end result of our trip to "look" at Grapevine Lake. Happy wet boys!


Amy said...

LOVE the new post. So many great pictures. And I'm SO glad we've gotten to see and play with you in person! It is everlastingly terrible that it's over and we're seperating again. Our date night was the best and we're still talking about it. We sure love you guys and glad we had a little time here in Dallas together.

And now, it's on to just seeing you in the blogosphere.....sigh.

Stan and Jamie said...

YEAH! You posted...I was so excited :) Kyler still talkes about things that Nicholas used to say :( Such cute pictures and beautiful children as usual!! Can't wait to see what the new little Soter will look like!

Brittney Smith said...

Love all the updated picks. Makes me sad to see all their birthdays, and them getting bigger. I can't believe that hair of Thomas's so cute!! Don't cut it for a long time. Glad all is going well for your family. we miss you guys...when are you coming to AZ again??

Jonathan & Amber Burke said...

I loved your post.It made me teary eyed. especially seeing how fast little Thomas is turning into a little man!We miss you guys.Thanks for posting so we can see all the fun things you do.I need to update myself. Love you and miss you!

kara said...

Those are the best pictures. So I guess you are surviving being being so far away. I love your blog. . .you are one amazing woman, I'm excited you are having a girl. Rissy and Katie have a lot of similarities, like the scissor experiments on clothes and the 15 animals on the bed plus the strange outfit demands. I tell you what those girls come with sassitude. I miss seeing you and chatting at random family get togethers, those are the best.

Beth Ann said...

Random Cuteness INDEED!! Hey, I got a new phone & lost all my contacts, so will you give me a call? I've been thinking of you alot lately, and me, as your lame friend, needs to get together with you! Call me or email me!

Ell_Dunn said...

can i just say your boys nicholas and matthew are absolutely gorgeous and well brought up. I wish i had kids now

Cambodia Today Team said...

Such a great family....Those pictures are perfect. You have a very nice family nothing more beautiful then this.