Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Soter's Have Returned!

Happy Birthday to Thomas!!!! He is our 1 year old boy! He has no qualms about digging in to his cupcake. We love this boy so very much and can't imagine life without him.
Happy Birthday party #2! We celebrated with my mom on Thomas's real birthday to make it an all around happy day, rather than what it could be. Thank goodness for this blessed little boy!

I love my boys!
Our favorite thing is to share the baby swings at the park (okay not my favorite thing, I actually hate swings! They defeat the purpose of going to the park to "watch" your kids play). Thomas really was laughing seconds before, he just had to be choked for a minute for the sake of the picture.
This picture could not be left out. This is Matthew on "Silly Sock Day" at his preschool. After much talking into it I got him to wear silly socks to school. After all, I didn't want him to feel left out. The only sad part about this super cute picture is that we didn't have any silly socks for Matthew and so he is wearing his mommys silly socks. Notice the heal poking out of the back of his shoe. It was almost a laugh until I cry moment because he looked so cute but I thought "Oh, poor little buddy. His mommy is once again to cheap to go and spend money and so he has to be embarrased and wear his mommys socks". Thankfully Matthew is not aware of the fact that they are mine. Shh, don't tell.
This is the dream team right here! I surely do love these little boys. I love that they are best buddies! They really do warm my heart!
So, I realize I am obsessed with my daughters hair, who wouldn't be for heavens sake? She has my dream hair. So close, yet so far away. I love that it's getting so long! I just love this girlie!
We got to be in Utah with Steve's family for Thanksgiving. This was the best I got of all the Soter cousins. There's quite the herd I tell you. Nonstop fun!
These two are such buddies. Nicholas really is the best big brother ever!
This picture is nothing other than a miracle. Matthew and Katie have been enemies for quite some time (well, about 2 1/2 years), and just recently they have struck up some sort of comradare (I don't know if I spelled that right, but the word describes it perfectly!) They have been playing quite well about 50-maybe even 75% of the time. They even request each other on occasion. That my friends is progress!
This is what Thomas is up to these days. He thinks it is heavenly fun to take an entire roll of toilet paper and tear it to shreds. Just like a little mouse. So fun! We sure do love our busy little Thomas!
The kids got to sit on the lap of Santa Clause not once, but twice! Lucky! This Santa is by far the most realistic Santa I have ever seen! And he was so incredibly fun and friendly. (Don't judge by the lack of smile on his face in this picture).
This is fairly out of order, but I had to add a Christmas morning picture. Thomas is around there somewhere eating wrapping paper, but this is the kids. Nicholas is overjoyed, Matthew is joyed, and Katie is just...she really is happy, just caught her off guard.
Poor Matthew's head is cut off, but this is the kids on Christmas Sunday all gussied up and looking so adorable!
We went to a mall in Utah with Steve's family for dinner one night and they had this fancy little Christmas display. It turned out so fun!
This was Nicholas's hat, but it was chilly outside and besides, he looked mighty cute. He actually kept the thing on too, which made me pretty impressed.
Poor Katie, she desperately wanted her own boots to go play in the snow. Unfortunately her mommy is super cheap and was super not in the mood to bundle her up, and then go out in the miserable cold with her. This was the closest she got to winter snow bliss. Mighty cute though!
Here's Nicholas playing in the snow. It looked absolutely miserably cold to me, but there's something about little people. Cold is nothing! He was in heaven!
Here's Maff getting ready to play in the snow.
While we were staying at my moms house we went to her ward Christmas party. My sister-in-law was in charge of the Primary part of the evening, and so Nicholas and Matthew got enlisted to be part of the Nativity.

Here's Matthew being the donkey on stage. Never mind that this is the most sacred night and that the baby Jesus is about to come. He's just having a good ol' time hangin' out.
Here's Nickelby being a very serious and wise shepherd. He did a fabulous job if I may say so.

This picture absolutely had to be included just because it is hilarious! Our dear friend Kelyn came and brought us dinner while our home was in an uproar (I'll tell you why in a minute), and she and the kids played an absolutely hysterical game or two of "A Tuddy Ta". If you don't know what this game is, you would just have to see it, but it is the funniest thing ever! I love their faces!

WE'VE MOVED!!! Welcome to our new home. It's definitely different, but we are really liking it. The boys are loving school and making fun friends. Me and Katie and Thomas mostly just stay home since I haven't felt all that brave to explore yet. The good news is that I can now get to all of the grocery stores without my GPS. There's progress for you.
This is Katie's room. Isn't it so cute! I have always dreamed of her having her own room and these colors match all of her stuff! How exciting!
Nicholas and Matthew's super fancy polka-dot room.
This is our living room (but not our furniture. They hadn't moved out everything when I looked at the house). I love the floors, you can see the entire backyard through the window and I love the fireplace!
This is our fun backyard. Not only are there trees to climb, but this swing set is awesome! What luck!


Brittanie said...

I love it when you post new pictures! It warms my heart to know that you are so close to me. I'm still heartbroken that we didn't get to see you last weekend. I hope your babies are all better. I love you!!

Stan and Jamie said...

What a beautiful house!!! That's exciting stuff and I love the colors in the kids' rooms :) Glad you guys are doing well!

Beth Ann said...

Hey Lady! email me your number so I can come help you explore!!

Amy said...

Woo hoo! A new post! I love all the pics and the updates. Your kids really are the cutest ever. Your house is BEAUTIFUL! So much better than stucco and cactus, right?? My favorite part, though, is that we got to see you guys in person!! Thanks for coming over. We'll do it again soon. We love you guys and are so glad you're here!

Jenifer said...

We miss you guys so much! I can't believe how fast they are growing, especially Thomas! And I agree that your house is gorgeous! And the back yard is huge! I'm so glad you are all doing well.

ashley b said...

howdy stranger! so i had no idea you guys had moved until a few weeks ago. my goodness! and i just found out like 3 minutes ago that you're pregnant. congratulations! i am absolutely in love with your new house though. and your kids are so darn cute! i love katie's long hair. she is looking so old though! i'm glad you guys are doing well. i love you all! tell your family hi for us!

Brittney Smith said...

Yeah! I love your post!! The pic of Nicholas in the Nativity...he is standing next to one of our good friends little boys. Do you remember Steve and Jenny Kempton from our ward?? Anyway...this is the hugest post ever, I see why it took a while to get it up. Love the front of your house and the fireplace. SUPER cute!! I'm glad all is well. Our house inspection was today, and we passed without having to fix or change anything. Wahoo. Still house hunting!!

Kisha Atkin said...

Howdy yall! I love your new home! And I think I spied a covered back patio??!! Oh what I would give for one of those out here. CONGRATS on the newest baby girl addition to the most adorabe family in the world! It would be awesome to meet up with you guys some day. I can't wait to meet everyone :) I sure hope texas has started to grow on you, even despite the crazy, drastic changes in the weather from one day the next! Take care! Love the pictures!